We offer strategies and innovative solutions to governments and corporations in the areas of Health Policy, Health Financing, Insurance, Strategic Business Planning and Operational Reengineering. Call us at 510-337-0811.
Neelam Sekhri Feachem
Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Sekhri Feachem has over 25 years of experience in healthcare reform, financing and management of delivery systems. She served as health financing and policy advisor at the World Health Organization from 2003- 2007, where she provided technical and policy guidance to a wide range of countries on health financing systems, with a particular focus on private and social insurance, and methods to complement public financing with private funding instruments.

As founder of The Healthcare Redesign Group Inc. since 1994, Ms. Sekhri Feachem heads a consultancy that has been recognized by the San Francisco Business Times as one of the fastest-growing privately-held companies in the San Francisco area. She advises governments and international organizations on health reform, financing and policy issues; and provides consultation to insurers, providers and integrated networks on strategic business planning, operations management and organizational reengineering.

Prior to founding The Healthcare Redesign Group, Ms. Sekhri Feachem spent 14 years with Kaiser Permanente where she held executive positions in hospital and medical group management, organizational development, and finance.

Ms. Sekhri Feachem has served on various Boards including the Commercial Advisory Board of the British National Health Service, Working Group on Private Insurance for the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) , and the Board of Directors of the Alameda County Medical Center.

Her recent publications include: A Risky Business: Saving Money and Improving Global Health Through Better Demand Forecasts; Private Insurance: Implications for Developing Countries; Regulating Private Insurance to Serve the Public Interest; Getting More for their Money: A comparison of the NHS and Kaiser Permanente; Cross-Border Health Insurance: An Overview of Mexico and the United States; Managed Care: the U.S. experience; Global Health Care Markets.

Lady Feachem lives with her husband, Sir Richard, in California.


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